Also, every time I run the game through Steam, it prompts me to download Windows Live again, regardless if it's installed or running or not. Again, the gane starts and I can play a bit, but it freezes once I'm out of the Vault pretty much at random. I've also tried reinstalling the game - though I haven't started a fresh game - and it still freezes up. I've tried using bith the Unofficial Patch and Games for Windows Live Disabler, but neither work. It won't respond to anything but an alt-Tab and a crashed program. However, once I leave the Vault and arrive in Megaton - and especially when I disarm the bomb and get my own room - the game simply freezes up comletely. As prompted, I have downloaded and installed Games for Windows Marketplace, so the game runs and I can more or less get through the tutorial without a crash. I bought Fallout 3 GOTY edition today and I'm using Windows 10. I have searched around a little bit but so far nothing's come up that's helped me specifically.